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Today’s top to ask question?

Where does Mr. Beast live

4.3 / 5. votes: 3

Jimmy Donaldson, is a 23-year-old American YouTuber that goes by the screen name, Mr. Beast. He has a net worth between 15 and 25 million dollars. He resides in Greenville, North Carolina, and lives with this older brother and mother.
Let's say that you are watching a cooking recipe and the chef asks you to add 1/4th cup of an ingredient. Now as you are rooting around your kitchen drawers you realize you don't have a 1/4 measuring cup. But you do have a tablespoon. so how many tablespoons in 1/4 Cup?

Frequently - to ask questions?

How Long Does A Car Battery Last
The answer to that question is that it depends. There are several factors that will determine if the battery will last several years or only until the warranty expires. Naturally, human error plays a part in the story, but it isn’t the only thing.

Last added to ask questions?

How Long Does A Car Battery Last

5 / 5. votes: 1

The answer to that question is that it depends. There are several factors that will determine if the battery will last several years or only until the warranty expires. Naturally, human error plays a part in the story, but it isn’t the only thing.
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How Did Bob Ross Die? The Death of Happy, Little Trees

5 / 5. votes: 1

The feelings of certain childhood memories last us a lifetime. The smell of chlorine still whisks me back to being at the pool in the summer with all of my friends when we had no cares in the world. The opening song of The Price is Right still makes me think of being home when I was sick because that was the only thing to watch on tv in those days for a kid.
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Does His Language Matter?

5 / 5. votes: 1

I grew up learning about and knowing about Jesus through my Catholic Sunday school classes and books I would read. I accepted all of the attributes I saw in pictures of Jesus. In those pictures, Jesus was portrayed with blue eyes, light skin, and brown flowing hair. In the dawn of the technology age, that image has been challenged with the study of the time period and area in which Jesus was born and lived.
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