How Long Does Nicotine Stay In Your System

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Nicotine is a natural chemical alkaloid produced by the nightshade family of plants. It is found predominantly in the tobacco plant and it is widely used as a stimulant and an antianxiety agent. It is also present in other common plants like tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants, albeit, in a smaller ratio.
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How to Get the Water Out of Your Ear

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If you’re like me, swimming in the summer is one of my favorite things to do. If you’re ALSO like me, you regularly get water stuck in your ear. (uncomfortable, to say the least!)
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How Many Bones Are In The Human Body

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Bones are an intricate part of your body, but how many bones are in the human body? It’s a question to answer because there isn’t an exact number — instead, there are 206 different types of bones found throughout your body.
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How Many Teeth Do Humans Have

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There are four major types of teeth in the human body: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. These teeth help you chew your food and make it easier to digest. They also help with speech and reduce friction during chewing by getting food started in the right direction toward the back of your mouth. While all humans have these four types of teeth, not everyone has all of them.
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How many Oz is a full chicken breast?

4.5 / 5. votes: 2

How many Oz is a full chicken breast? It's a question that has been on people's minds for years, and thankfully we have some answers. The typical serving size of cooked chicken is 3 ounces, which equals about 100 grams or 3.5 tablespoons. If you're cooking a whole bird, it will be around 24 ounces per pound - while if you're just cooking breasts, then they'll be closer to 12-16 ounces per pound.
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