Does His Language Matter?

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I grew up learning about and knowing about Jesus through my Catholic Sunday school classes and books I would read. I accepted all of the attributes I saw in pictures of Jesus. In those pictures, Jesus was portrayed with blue eyes, light skin, and brown flowing hair. In the dawn of the technology age, that image has been challenged with the study of the time period and area in which Jesus was born and lived.
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How to Say I’m Sorry in Spanish

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When you mess up, it’s never easy to say I’m sorry. But we all make mistakes, and whether you’re trying to apologize to your significant other, your boss, or someone else in your life, having the right way to say I’m sorry can make a big difference.
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What is the ancient Greek word for fire?

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It is indisputable that the Greek language is one of the oldest and important languages in the world. At present, there are so many English words that have Greek roots like antique, grammar, encyclopedia, economy, and many more.
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