How to say sorry in spanish

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When you mess up, it’s never easy to say I’m sorry. But we all make mistakes, and whether you’re trying to apologize to your significant other, your boss, or someone else in your life, having the right way to say I’m sorry can make a big difference. It’s disculpe, derived from an older form of to pardon. It’s also used when asking for permission: Puedo pasar? (May I come in?) and ¿Puedo usar su cuarto de baño? (May I use your bathroom?). But you can also say lo siento or perdón. Both mean I am sorry. Learn more about these terms and other ways to say sorry in Spanish here. One study found that 90 hours of listening time can get most English speakers at least conversational in a foreign language—which means being able to hold an essential back-and-forth with locals who only speak another language.

For saying I am sorry

Lo siento/Perdón/Perdone. It means I am sorry. To say I’m sorry, use Lo siento or Perdón if you want a friendlier response and Perdone if you want more of an apology or are asking for forgiveness from someone above you in status, like your boss. It means, Forgives me. Remember, though, that what we mean by apologizing does not necessarily carry over into Spanish: that word is disculpe. When using it appropriately can offend, so be careful when using it. The best way to remember them all?

For saying you are sorry

Perdón (pared-down) or Lo Siento (loh see-ohn-toh), both of which mean I’m sorry. Or you can say, Soy culpable. [I am guilty.](Spanish for Sorry). The informal way of saying it is Perdoname or Lo Siento but make sure you don’t use that with someone older than you or someone who has a higher position than you because they will think you are being rude! You can even combine it with an apology by saying something like Lo Siento’s personage, Which means: I’m sorry to forgive me. It also makes your apology stronger and more direct


Most of us are taught that saying I’m sorry is essential—but not how it translates into other languages. While there isn’t one direct translation for English, I’m sorry, here are some ways you can say sorry in other languages. Each example uses a shorter I’m sad as a prompt. In French, you would say Je suis desole, or J’ai un probleme. It’s not too hard at all when you know what to do!

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