A mile is a unit of measurement used in air, marine, and space navigation, as well as for defining territorial waters. The word mile comes from the Roman ‘mille passus’, which means 5,000 feet in Roman terms. In both the imperial and US customary measuring systems, a mile is a unit of length. Its current measurement is 5,280 feet (1,760 yards), or 1,609.344 metres.
1 mile = 1609.34 meters.
Multiply the length value by 1609.34 to get the approximate distance in miles. A mile is approximately 1609 meters long.
Despite the fact that most countries have adopted the metric system and use kilometers instead of miles to express land distance, the mile is still widely used in countries such as the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), Myanmar, and Liberia, as well as some other countries that are either US or UK territories or have historical ties with either.
In the International System of Units, a meter (or metre) is the base unit of length and distance. The metre is the SI unit of length and is used in a variety of applications around the world, including measuring distance, height, length, and width. The United States is one prominent exception, as it frequently employs yards, inches, feet, and miles instead of meters in everyday situations.