The 2010 animated picture depicts the story of a young princess with amazing long golden hair who longs to leave her solitary tower. Her mystical hair has the ability to provide her endless youth, and the evil Gothel takes advantage of this ability to keep her young. Rapunzel, at the age of 18, becomes intrigued about the outside world, and when a handsome young prince seeks safety in her turret, she persuades him to assist her in her escape. The kingdom where Rapunzel was born and kept away from by Mother Grothel is named Corona.
While many people are familiar with the story, viewers have noticed remarkable similarities to today’s current health crisis. The fact that Rapunzel is imprisoned in Corona is particularly coincidental. The film “Tangled” was released in 2010 and was a box office success at the time. It has officially been added to Disney+’s lineup.
Mont Saint-Michel in France is the inspiration for the Kingdom of Corona… ☀️
…and the fact that they don’t have lantern festivals here is a missed opportunity.
— Patrick Dougall (@PatrickADougall) September 12, 2020
Source: Disney /