In both the U.S. and U.K. imperial measuring systems, a gallon is a unit of volume that explicitly refers to liquid capacity. Gallons are commonly used in the United States (US) for larger containers, such as half-gallon ice cream tubs or one-gallon milk cartons. Gallons are also extensively used in the United States to express fuel economy. The imperial gallon is even less often used than the US gallon, with most countries throughout the world referring to gas/petro purchases in liters.
How Many Pints in a Gallon?
1 Gallon = 8 Pints
In the imperial and U.S. systems of measurement, a pint is a unit of volume. The imperial pint is approximately 568 milliliters. The liquid pint in the United States is roughly 473 mL, while the dry pint is around 551 mL. In the United States, dry and liquid pints are still used to measure volume. Despite the fact that the pint was replaced by metric units of volume during the metrication process, it is still legal to use the pint as a supplementary unit in the United Kingdom, and certain items such as draught beer, cider, and milk in returnable containers are still measured in pints. Pints in a gallons converter